This is the second installment about my adventure to
Dancing Rabbit, an amazing
Ecovillage in North East Missouri. In case you missed the first part, you can check it out
We had an AMAZING time! We made salsa, applesauce, peach jam and pickled okra. Check out the
Milkweed's entry, too!
Getting started with salsa |
Down to business |
A giant bowl of salsa! |
Tina cranks while I concentrate, oh so hard, on watching |
We got to take home lots of goodies, as you can see above :) Aprons, canning books, canning funnels, canning tongs, FOOD, and a few other things (like smiles!). And yes, that is Vegan Cream Cheese topped Carrot Cake. If you have the opportunity to take part in such an excursion, I highly recommend it!
Other things...
I have been enjoying my offline time more and more. And in my efforts to make more time for other things, I'm trying to spend less time online. This week I made a firm decision to only check facebook once a week. I have already been limiting blogging time, but still plan to aim for 1 to 2 entries each week, so please stick with me :) I do still check out many other blogs, though I haven't been leaving as many comments. Just fyi, for anyone who might wonder. There is so much inspiration out there and it would be a shame to give up all of that!
Speaking of blogs, I was sad to discover that Green and Crunchy no longer exists. If anyone knows the story, please fill me in. This blog was a true inspiration! It's what gave us the motivation to join a bulk-buying co-op.
Blog Updates (They may happen slowly, but they
are coming!)
Coming Up: Cookbook reviews and giveaway; DR pt. 3;
Summer Garden pics