
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Pat's! (and Guinness Extra Stout)

Celebrating St. Patty's this weekend? Although most Guinness varieties are not vegan, Barnivore informed me that the Extra Stout IS vegan. It is made by Moosehead, who do not use isinglass. Always good news to hear that a popular beer is vegan!

For anyone who likes to indulge in an alcoholic beverage from time to time, I definitely recommend checking out the Barnivore website. It is a great resource and well organized. And if you don't find your drink listed, they have an excellent letter that you can send to your company of choice.

What am I doing tonight? Drinking a Mother's Winter Grind (local beer), making scrambled tofu (which we will eat on a bed of spinach and topped with guacumole!) and then heading out to see this month's Buffy reader's theater episode :)

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